Please help us raise awareness – you have the power!

youhavethe powerGood morning world!

I have a favor to ask – we are starting an organization to help others.

Yes, I know.

One. More. Fundraising. Organization. UGH!

But wait… Our goal is this: to help others in need by raising awareness, and not necessarily money.

100% of everything will go to those we help. Those who put effort into it, will get nothing out of it as far as material means go… but we will get the satisfaction to know WE made a difference.

This is part of our pay it forward plan. We are not asking for money. We are asking for help in raising awareness. A simply page like. Thats it, and asking your friends to raise the awareness of others. We live in a world of abundance. We are lucky enough to live in a world of abundance.

We named the page Starfish Tribe. Without geographical boundaries… we are wanting to help others who are in a tough spot due to circumstances outside their control.

Know someone in need? Tell us. WE may not be able to help, but we can help them find someone who might be able to.

Their story will become our story. We will help to raise awareness.

Its a simple page like.

Its a simple request to ask your friends to become part of the Starfish Tribe.

Together we are many. Together we can help ONE.

Please help us help others who are in need just by raising awareness. The rest will happen on its own…and the good Lord will then provide as needed.



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